Paradise Lost!
For the Son of man came to seek and save that which was lost... Luke 19:10
We all love a good story - and when we look at this verse in Luke 19 we can find the essence of the greatest story ever told. Following the fall of Adam in Gods Eden.
Throughout the bible there is of course this great story to tell, a wild and redemptive story which at the heart is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For if we think about this, if it is anything at all Christianity is all about restoration. God Himself knows that the human race is in a particularly bad way right now. So much is going on in so many lives around us it breaks my heart! Unforgiveness,selfishness, pride, disloyalty, disunity, the list could go on and on!
I’m sure you would agree that God knows that our lives are nowhere near His original intention for us or for that matter what we ourselves once hoped for! We have drifted so far from Eden that we have become unrecognisable. You’ve got to understand that this in fact breaks Gods heart.
So this God - the creator God the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end comes to earth as Immanuel meaning God With Us. Then what begins to unfold is restoration at its core. The deaf begin to hear, the lame begin to walk, the blind begin to see and the mute begin to speak... and then it continues as families are restored, those that have been outcast return and even the dead are raised back to life! We can’t possibly just think that these are just bible stories! These are illustrations of The Fathers heart to redeem “THAT” which was lost!
He comes to heal. He comes to save. He comes to redeem. He comes to restore “THAT” which was lost and He does it through love!
In Matthew 28:19 Jesus gives us this commandment...
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,”
In so doing Jesus’ statement in Luke 19:10 becomes fulfilled.”For the Son of man came to seek and save that which was lost”
As believers our job in gratitude for this redemption that God The Father through His Son Jesus has given us, is to go out and make disciples so “THAT” which was lost can finally once and for all be restored!
Praise The Lord that day is fast approaching!

Have a truly blessed day!
Pastor Simon Schembri