I’m going to be a little vulnerable today. So here goes.
Some of my closest friends and family will know that for the past few months maybe even 6 months or more I have been suffering with a bunch of fear and anxiety. I have at many times over this period been confined to not only staying indoors but locking myself away in our bedroom. The shear thought of going outside literally scaring me beyond belief.
As most of you know, Xenia and I Pastor a church here on the Gold Coast as well as being the founders of local Gold Coast charity At The Ark. We assist families of children that have been affected by child sexual abuse and domestic violence. As you can imagine we have heard countless stories of tragedies and trauma related incidences. As a result we have had to witness many people suffering with similar issues to what I am going through right now.
On top of that, as some of you will no doubt know, some members of our very own family have had to deal with this very thing themselves. Firstly let me again just state this; whilst I have always had incredible compassion for others and their individual plights, I have never TRULY understood the condition of anxiety. If for any reason in the past I have appeared or in any way trivialised your situation, please forgive me! Believe me, I totally get it now!
I have recently come across a song by Zach Williams aptly called “Fear is a Liar” what a statement that is! In fact when going through the actual lyrics of the song Zach sings “Fear HE is a Liar!” He...HE is a liar! Did you hear that?
Listen, if there’s one thing I’ve learnt along my Christian journey it is this. We have an enemy and he’s name is Satan. He masquerades himself as many things FEAR being one of them, and he will stop at nothing to totally incapacitate Gods people.
If you have been or are currently experiencing fear and or anxiety as I am, let me encourage you today. This rotten thing will pass. Jesus is Lord. Which simply means HE WINS! Trust Him with your every breath, your every concern, your every fear and trust Him even with your anxiety. In the book of Genesis, Joseph knew exactly how this felt... he said these famous words to his brothers... “But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.” Genesis 50:20 NKJV. You see what the enemy means for our evil God will turn it for His good! I truly believe that! Do you?
I can hear you say, “why doesn’t God just take these feelings away?” Believe me I have asked that and many other questions myself many times. The fact is, sometimes He allows us (and hear me here he doesn’t orchestrate the anxiety) to go through difficult periods or situations in our lives so that He’s better good can come from it. “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28 NKJV
If you are a born again believer today then you ARE the called! Believe it! Jesus has called all of His people to follow Him and He promises that He will NEVER leave us nor forsake us! NEVER means NEVER!
Take a listen to this song and let the lyrics minister to you today and remember... Fear... HE IS A LIAR!
If you ever need to chat with us please don’t hesitate to make contact.
Pastor Simon Schembri
